Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This is sick

So i was reading this blog by a christian guy that has some interesting things to say about God and about living our life for him. And he has this video up in randomness but i still that the video was awesome becuase the guy was able to do the whole thing in one take, pay close attention to what happens, i think sometimes this is like life and our relationship with God if you really want to think about it, we start off small and then progress and eventually alll the things that we have been doing for God come together and make a cool thing happen. The hard part that we should do is find out where our starting point is, and think about where we want to be. You see its easy for us to just look back and go "oh cool I am in a different spot now" its harder and more beneficial for us to have a plan and be intentional with our relationship with God or just life in general. Find your starting point and where you want to be with God, really think about it and pray, God will reveal some cool stuff. Thats how I see thursday nights, Its slowly progressing but God is doing some awesome things, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

In Him,



Rauqel said...

this video is awesome, i hope other people are blessed by this video

Raquel said...

This video is awesome, I hope other people are blessed by this video

Lesliee(: said...

Truely Sweet(:
I enjoy thursdays as well(:
It was really nice.
Thanks Brett, for coming
on thursday nights ;D

Bobby said...

dude this is pretty deep
its sick to think bout it though
like in my on views ive gone from a youth kid to sound guy to soon to be youth leader and its amazing with wat gods shown me

Pastor Brett said...

Thats awesome man, I think your doing amazing things for the Lord

Unknown said...


Anthony said...

loved it it was intense

Anonymous said...

its smart how you said that
in life, you can start out
with something SO small,
and end up with something SO huge.
this was awesomee. :)

Pastor Brett said...

Yeah I wish I could do something like this, that would be awesome

Anthony said...

watch it every time im on the blog