Monday, September 21, 2009

Honor who?

Lately I keep running into situations that require me to truly think of how I am going to act, these are things that have just been placed on my heart, but I have realize something that is very key to all these decisions. In life when we are faced with hardship or choices its easy for us to sway our thought to act selfishly. This is the battle that all of us are in, there are times where we try to stretch the truth of why we do things so we don't feel bad or we stretch the truth to justify reactions that we have had. If we are doing the right thing... there is no need for justification... God justifies us.
Matthew 22:37
Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
 Its simple when you finally have the courage to say it to yourself..... your either gonna honor YOURSELF or your going to honor GOD...... 

Who have you been honoring?

In Him,


1 comment:

thegadfly4u said...

i am bored school is so boring