Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Big Mistake

I wanted to put this movie up, 1) because its hilarious and 2) because we all need to realize that we make mistakes, but its not the end of the world. I know that a lot of you are truly trying to live for God and there are times when we mess up along that road. And the best thing we could do after getting knocked off the horse is to get back on and ride harder. I want to encourage all of you to not get discouraged when things don't go how you think they will. God is in control and He loves you so much, make mistakes... because that means your trying :)

In Him,



Jared Lewis said...

Hahahaha perfect! I can't tell you the many times i've smashed girls in the head with my car.... but i know God forgive and wants us not to be shelled in, but instead try and get whacked around, but it makes you learn a little something in the process!

Pastor Brett said...

yeah, I think the most important things in life that i have learned have been a result of mistakes, Praise God he doesn't hold it against us

Non Emo Kid/ Anthony said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! "She pulled out a bat and started beating me!" "Confusing your old girlfriends older sister as a brother" " it doesnt mean yes, it just means no"
my fave:
"Kanye West: BIG MISTAKE"

leeslie. said...

lol. that videoo is FUNNNAAAY.

The Gadfly said...

what the heck that was so funny hahahaha! that was messed up when they said Kanye west: big mistake . i dont like him well i dont know him but that was messed up;)