Thursday, December 10, 2009


So today I was thinking about my past.... & honestly I thought of how ashamed I was and the meaningless purpose I used to live for. I thought about some times in college when I totally rejected what God wanted in my life and I did what I wanted, I acted like how I wanted, I pursued the things that I wanted, I dealt with things the way that I wanted..... WOW!.... the sad part about this, I still told people I was a christian, I still acted like I was a man of God. A lot of times I will look at my past and I will be so ashamed that it almost brings me to tears, I feel as if I don't deserve to minister and to be called a pastor. I feel as if I shouldnt even be allowed into a church. Praise God that He forgives and restores. Praise God that he loves the sinner. PS. 139:17.... .PRAISE GOD! STOKED FOR TONIGHT!!

The Sinner,



Jenn said...

This is so true in many lives today. I look at my past a think how can I deserve what I have today from what I did to God in the past and all I can say GOD"S GRACE restores all things!!! Nice blog it makes you think.

Unknown said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am watching you my little yellow friend!